People always tend to say that many things happen in life is not according to their plan. Sometimes, the actual events happen usually was not in line with their dream or plan but actually whose plans should be considered. If we take a look at Surah Ar-Rad verses 38 and 39
[38]And no doubt, We have sent messengers before you, and assigned to them wives and children. And it is not for a messenger to bring any sign, but by Allah's leave. For each promise there is writing.
Malay's Translation Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah mengutus Rasul-rasul sebelummu, dan Kami jadikan untuk mereka isteri-isteri dan zuriat keturunan. Dan tiadalah sebarang kuasa bagi seseorang Rasul untuk mendatangkan sesuatu mukjizat melainkan dengan izin Allah. Tiap-tiap satu tempoh dan waktu ada baginya perkara dan hukum yang telah ditentukan oleh "Suratan Azali".
[39]Allah wipes out what He pleases and establishes (what He pleases) and the real writing is with Him. Malay's Translation Allah menghapuskan apa jua yang dikehendakiNya dan Ia juga menetapkan apa jua yang dikehendakinya. Dan (ingatlah) pada sisiNya ada "Ibu segala suratan".
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